Walnut Creek CDROM Hobbes OS/2


English - Ready-to-Run Hobbes OS/2 - November 1994

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-062-8 (1571760628)
UPC 7 47851 05501 7 (747851055017)
SUSE order number 20009
  • Jewel Case (1 CD)


Description (Front)

Ready to Run Hobbes

Installed Freeware and Shareware for OS/2

Ready-to-Run OS/2 files from hobbes.cdrom.com:
◆ professional development tools
◆ Emacs 19.25
◆ EMX 08h
◆ gcc 2.5.8
◆ gnu
◆ CSD's
◆ more

Available and Ready for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199411_en_CD1.cue-iso9660.html


Description (Back)

Ready-to-Run: Hobbes OS/2
November 1994

"John C. Dvorak's Favorite Discs: The best of the best ... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM ... Lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." -John Dvorak, PC Computing, Oct. 93.

From the Hobbes internet site, here is a disc full of Ready-to-Run OS/2 applications. Due to OS/2's heightened level of customer interest, the Hobbes archive has grown quickly in recent months to over 1.2 gigabytes. This has forced the previous Hobbes product to separate into two products.

The first product (Hobbes Archived) contains the most recent programs from the Hobbes OS/2 archive in compressed format. This disc, Ready-to-Run Hobbes, allows you to use your CDROM drive as a way to save precious hard drive space. Now you can sample very large programs directly from the CDROM.

You can upgrade your system easily with the OS/2 2.1 for Windows Service Pack that's ready to run off the CDROM. The entire GNU utility suite (60+ programs) will solve a lot of common problems. Typeset your documents with Tex which includes installed fonts. AVI movies, sound clips and bitmaps are simply fun.

Preview and debug postscript output with Ghostscript 2.6.1. Edit using the world's best programmer's editor, Emacs 19.25. Compile using two world class C and C++ compilers, EMX08h and GCC 2.5.8. And there's more. We uncompressed all these applications and you get them installed and ready to run. Sample the best of OS/2 shareware and freeware with few changes to your hard disk setup.

We unconditionally guarantee the Ready-to-Run Hobbes disc. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it!

English - Hobbes OS/2 Archived - June 1995

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-037-7 (1571760377)
UPC 7 47851 00709 2 (747851007092)
SUSE order number 20114-2
  • Jewel Case (1 CD)
  • Registration Card


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2 Archived

Thousands of OS/2 programs direct from the Hobbes Internet Software Collection

June 1995

Available and Ready for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199506_en_CD1.cue-iso9660.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2 Archived

"John C. Dvorak's Favorite Discs: The best of the best ... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM ... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs -- this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." -John Dvorak, PC Computing, Oct. 93.

The Hobbes OS/2 Archive CDROM brings the Internet's largest collection of OS/2 material within your grasp. We constantly update Hobbes (ftp-os2.cdrom.com) so you get the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware.

This Disc Contains
✓ Product updates and patches for OS/2 3.0 Warp.
✓ Commercial demos including Sim-City, Mesa/2, Hamilton C Shell, and DCF/2.
✓ Games (Doom, Attax, network yahtzee, Chess, Minesweeper, poker, Wizards of War.)
✓ Graphics programs (3-D chart software, paint programs, JPEG/GIF/TIFF viewers)
✓ System utilities, Internet connectivity, utilities including Emacs 19.27, and EMX 09a C++ compiler. Sound, video, printer, adaptor drivers. Novell Netware client.
✓ IBM's latest Corrective Service Diskettes for TCP/IP.
✓ Editors, spell checkers, TeX & fonts (4/13/95 emtex beta included), and everything you need to customize your OS/2 workstation!

Need to know more about OS/2? Look no further. You get OS/2 programming, system, supported hardware, and Frequently Asked Questions lists as well as IBM's Red Books. With 635 megabytes of virus scanned programs and doc's to customize your working environment, you'll own the most comprehensive selection of shareware and freeware for OS/2.

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine, Oct, 1994.

English - Hobbes OS/2 Archived - December 1995

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-097-0 (1571760970)
UPC 7 47851 00710 8 (747851007108)
SUSE order number 20114-3
  • Jewel Case (2 CDs)
  • Registration Card


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2 Archived

Thousands of OS/2 programs direct from the Hobbes Internet Software Collection

Two Disc Set!

Available and Ready for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199512_en_CD1.cue-iso9660.html
File listing: HobbesOS2_199512_en_CD2.cue-iso9660.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2 Archived

"John C. Dvorak's Favorite Discs: The best of the best ... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM ... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs -- this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." -John Dvorak, PC Computing, Oct. 93.

The Hobbes OS/2 Archive CDROM brings the Internet's largest collection of OS/2 material within your grasp. We constantly update Hobbes (ftp-os2.cdrom.com) so you get the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware.

This 2 disc set contains:
✓ Product updates, patches, and drivers for OS/2 3.0 Warp, including FixPak 10
✓ Commercial demos including Sim-City, Mesa/2, Hamilton C Shell, and DCF/2
✓ Games (Doom, Attax, network yahtzee, Chess, Minesweeper, poker, Wizards of War.)
✓ Graphics programs (3-D chart software, paint programs, JPEG/GIF/TIFF viewers)
✓ System utilities, Internet connectivity, utilities including Emacs 19.29, and EMX 09a C++ compiler. Sound, video, printer, and adapter drivers. Novell Netware client
✓ IBM's latest Corrective Service Diskettes and patches for TCP/IP
✓ Editors, spell checkers, TeX & fonts (9/19/95 emTeX distribution included), and everything you need to customize your OS/2 workstation!

Need to know more about OS/2? Look no further. You get OS/2 programming, system supported hardware, and Frequently Asked Questions lists as well as IBM's Red Books.
With over 800 megabytes of virus scanned programs and doc's to customize your working environment, you'll own the most comprehensive selection of shareware and freeware for OS/2.

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine, Oct, 1994.

German - Hobbes OS/2 Archiviert - Juni 1996

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) German
ISBN 1-57176-143-8 (1571761438)
UPC 7 47851 09702 4 (747851097024)
SUSE order number 20114G-1
  • Jewel Case (2 CDs)
  • Registration Card


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2 Archiviert

Tausende von OS/2-Programmen direkt von der Hobbes-Internet-Softwaresammlung

Ready! for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199606_de_CD1.cue-iso9660-rock.html
File listing: HobbesOS2_199606_de_CD2.cue-iso9660-rock.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2 Archiviert

Doppel CD

John C. Dvoraks Lieblings-CDs: "Die Beste von den Besten ... die Hobbes OS/2 CDROM ... Unmengen von klasse Utilities, Fonts und anderen Attraktionen." - John Dvorak, PC Computing.

Die Hobbes OS/2 Archiviert CD bietet Ihnen die weltweit größte Sammlung von Programmen für das OS/2-Betriebssystem von IBM an. Auf dieser CD finden Sie den aktuellsten Spiegel des Hobbes-archivs auf dem Internet (ftp-os2.cdrom.com). Das Hobbes-Archiv wird ständig aktualiziert, damit Sie über die allerneuste Shareware und Freeware verfügen.

Diese Ausgabe enthält:
✓ Produktupdates und Patches für OS/2 3.0 Warp und OS/2 FixPak.
✓ Kommerzielle Demos, einschließlich, Mesa/2, und DCF/2.
✓ Spiele (GNU Schach, Attax, Minesweeper)
✓ Internet-Verbindungshilfen
✓ System-Utilities, über 5000 Icons GNU und Unix-Utilities, einschließlich GCC 2.7.0, Emacs 19.30 und den EMX 09b C-Kompiler
✓ Editoren, Spellchecker, TeX und fonts. Alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihre OS/2 Workstation an ihre Bedürfnisse und Wünsche anzupassen!
✓ Grafikprogramme (3-D Chartsoftware, Malprogramme, JPEG/GIF/TIFF-Betrachter)
✓ IBM's aktuellste Servicedisketten für TCP/IP

Wollen sie mehr über OS/2 wissen? Sie brauchen nicht weiter zu suchen. Sie erhalten Programmiersoftware und Hilfen zur Programmierung mit OS/2, Informationen zu unterstützter Hardware, FAQ-Listen und IBMs Red Books. Über 950 MB von virengeprüften Programmen und Dokumentation sind dabei, damit Sie ihre Arbeitsumgebung nach ihren Vorstellungen anpassen können. Damit erhalten Sie die umfassendste Auswahl an Shareware und Freeware für OS/2.

Hobbes OS/2 ist auch für den Mailboxbetrieb geeignet.

"Bei dem geringen Kaufpreis sparen Sie Geld, wenn sie ein paar der Dateien von der CDROM kopieren, anstatt dafür zu bezahlen, sie von einem kommerziellen Online-Service zu downloaden oder Ferngespräche zu OS/2-spezifischen Mailboxen zu führen." - OS/2 Magazine

English - Hobbes OS/2 Archived - November 1996

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-097-0 (1571760970)
UPC 7 47851 00712 2 (747851007122)
SUSE order number 20114-6
  • Jewel Case (2 CDs)


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2 Archived

November 1996

Thousands of OS/2 programs direct from the Hobbes Internet Software Collection

Ready! for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199611_en_CD1.cue-iso9660.html
File listing: HobbesOS2_199611_en_CD2.cue-iso9660.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2 Archived

John C. Dvorak's Favorite Discs: "The best of the best ... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM ... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs -- this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." - John Dvorak, PC Computing.

The Hobbes OS/2 Archive CDROM brings the Internet's largest collection of OS/2 material within your grasp. We constantly update Hobbes (ftp-os2.cdrom.com), so you get the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware.

This 2 disc set contains:
✓ Product updates, patches, and drivers for OS/2 3.0 Warp, including OS/2 FixPak.
✓ Commercial demos, including Mesa/2, and DCF/2.
✓ Games (Attax, GNU Chess, Minesweeper).
✓ Graphics programs (3-D chart software, paint programs, JPEG/GIF/TIFF viewers).
✓ System utilities, Internet connectivity, utilities including EMACS and the EMX 09b C++ compiler. Sound, video, printer, and adapter drivers. Also includes the Novell Netware client software.
✓ IBM's latest Corrective Service Diskettes and patches for TCP/IP.
✓ Editors, spell checkers, TeX, fonts, and everything you need to customize your OS/2 workstation!

Need to know more about OS/2? Look no further. You get OS/2 programming, system supported hardware, and Frequently Asked Questions lists as well as IBM's Red Books.
With 1,000 megabytes of virus scanned programs and doc's to customize your working environment, you'll own the most comprehensive selection of shareware and freeware for OS/2.

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine

English - April 1997

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-097-0 (1571760970)
UPC 7 47851 00713 9 (747851007139)
SUSE order number 20114-7
  • Jewel Case (2 CDs)


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2
The Ultimate Collection of Shareware and Freeware for OS/2

Thousands of OS/2 programs direct from the Hobbes Internet Software Collection

April 1997

Ready! for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199704_en_CD1.cue-iso9660-rock.html
File listing: HobbesOS2_199704_en_CD2.cue-iso9660-rock.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2
The Ultimate Collection of Shareware and Freeware for OS/2

John C. Dvorak's Favorite Discs: "The best of the best... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs - this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." - John Dvorak, PC Computing.

The Hobbes OS/2 CDROM brings the Internet's largest collection of OS/2 material within your grasp. We constantly update Hobbes (ftp-os2.cdrom.com), so you get the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware.

This 2 disc set contains:
✓ Internet connectivity Software
- Apache Web Server, FTP, SMTP, POP3 Servers
- HTML Editors
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Programs
✓ Programming
- EMX 09c C++ Compiler
- Perl 5, Python, gawk, Fortran
- Rexx interfaces and editors
✓ Patches and Updates
- OS/2 4.0 Warp Updates
- The latest Corrective Service Diskettes
- Video, printer, sound, and adapter drivers
✓ Text & Postscript
- Emacs 19.33
- Ghostscript 4.03
- TeX and LaTeX
✓ Networking
- Novell Netware Client Software
- TCP/IP patches & CSDs
- Network Managers
✓ Multimedia Programs
- JPG/GIF/TIF Viewers
- Raytracing and paint programs
✓ Desktop Utilities
- Spelling Checkers
- Calculators
- Address/Phonebooks
✓ Entertainment
- Games
- Screensavers
- Thousands of icons

Need to know more about OS/2? Look no further. You get OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions lists, newsletters, and programming help as well as IBM's Red Books.

With 1,312 megabytes (4845 files) of programs and documentation to customize your working environment, you'll own the most comprehensive selection of shareware and freeware for OS/2.

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine

English - September 1997

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-097-0 (1571760970)
UPC 7 47851 00714 6 (747851007146)
SUSE order number 20114-8
  • Jewel Case (2 CDs)


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2
The Ultimate Collection of Shareware and Freeware for OS/2

Thousands of OS/2 programs direct from the Hobbes Internet Software Collection

September 1997

Ready! for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199709_en_CD1.cue-iso9660.html
File listing: HobbesOS2_199709_en_CD2.cue-iso9660.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2

This Hobbes OS/2 CDROM set is packed with the most up to date files from the largest OS/2 archive on the Internet. These files (from ftp-os2.cdrom.com) are the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware. No OS/2 user is complete without this collection of over 4,000 files (1,300 megabytes).

✓ Internet Software
• Web Server
• Mail Server
• FTP Server
✓ Programming
• C++ Compiler
• Perl
• Python
✓ Patches and Updates
• Updates
• Service Disks
• Drivers
✓ Text & Postscript
• Emacs
• Ghostscript
✓ Networking
• Client Software
• Patches
• Network Managers
✓ Multimedia Programs
• Image Viewers
• Movie Players
• Raytracing
• Paint Programs
✓ Desktop Utilities
• Spelling Checkers
• Calculators
• Address/Phone books
✓ Entertainment
• Games
• Screensavers
• Icons

"The best of the best... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs - this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." - John Dvorak, PC Computing.

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine

English - April 1998

Fact sheet

Packaging Jewel Case
Language(s) English
ISBN 1-57176-097-0 (1571760970)
UPC 7 47851 00715 3 (747851007153)
SUSE order number 20114-9
  • Jewel Case (2 CDs)


Description (Front)

Hobbes OS/2
The Ultimate Collection of Shareware and Freeware for OS/2

Thousands of OS/2 programs direct from the Hobbes Internet Software Collection

April 1998

Ready! for OS/2




File listing: HobbesOS2_199804_en_CD1.cue-iso9660.html
File listing: HobbesOS2_199804_en_CD2.cue-iso9660.html


Description (Back)

Hobbes OS/2

This Hobbes OS/2 CDROM set is packed with the most up to date files from the largest OS/2 archive on the Internet. These files (from ftp-os2.cdrom.com) are the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware. No OS/2 user is complete without this collection of over 4,000 files.

✓ Internet Software
• Web Server
• Mail Server
• FTP Server
✓ Programming
• C++ Compiler
• Perl
• Tcl
• Awk
✓ Patches and Updates
• Updates
• Service Disks
• Drivers
✓ Text & Postscript
• Emacs
• Ghostscript
✓ Networking
• Client Software
• Patches
• Network Managers
✓ Multimedia Programs
• Image Viewers
• Movie Players
• Raytracing
• Paint Programs
✓ Desktop Utilities
• Spelling Checkers
• Calculators
• Address/Phone books
✓ Entertainment
• Games
• Screensavers
• Icons

"The best of the best... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs - this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." - John Dvorak, PC Computing.

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine